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Sherington CE School

Inspiring Learners, Growing Together

Inspiring Learners, Growing Together

Latest News

A note from Mrs Wallace - June 2024

This half term is always an emotional one. Not only is it the end of a long school year, but it is also always hard to say goodbye to our friends as they move on to pastures new. Thank you for all your help and support, our village schools thrive because of the support of parents – be it through fundraising efforts, talks to widen the children’s horizons or supporting visits. We couldn’t do it without you and it makes a world of difference to the children. Our values provide our children in good stead for life beyond school, creating an understanding of core principles. This half term our value is truth and truthfulness and we will be focusing on this through stories and interactions. Finally, I wish those parents and children moving on to new schools in July the very best of luck. We will miss you terribly but hope very much the brilliant foundation the VSF has provided you will remain with you for life. You will always be greeted back warmly.

VSF Choir at Dickens of a Christmas - Olney

The VSF Choir will be singing at the Christmas Tree Festival at St Peter & St Paul Church in Olney On Sunday 3rd December 2023, at 11.30am.


The Christmas Tree Festival will be open to the public, 11am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday.


Refreshments will be available throughout the Christmas Tree Festival and there is an opportunity for visitors to make their own tree decoration or remember a loved one on the Memory Tree. Entry is free and visitors can buy a token to vote for their favourite tree. There will be story telling daily (11.15am and 3pm on Saturday, 12.15pm and 3pm on Sunday). 


Hansel and Gretel at The Stables - Wednesday 20th December 2023

We are excited to be taking all the children on a whole VSF School Trip to watch Hansel and Gretel at The Stables in Milton Keynes on Wednesday 20th December. We hope the children will enjoy this Christmas treat. 

VSF Choir Singing at Dickens of a Christmas in Olney - Sunday 3rd December 2023

The VSF Choir have been invited to sing at Dickens of a Christmas in Olney on Sunday 3rd December 2023. We will be meeting at 11.15, ready to sing at 11.30. More details to follow. 

Family Reading Every Friday Morning

Please join us every Friday for family reading. This takes place from 8.45am to 9am. It is a chance to share a book with your child and catch up with any staff if you need to.
