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Sherington Church of England School home page

Sherington CE School

Inspiring Learners, Growing Together

Inspiring Learners, Growing Together


Sherington CE School admits children from Sherington village and the surrounding villages and from the wider Milton Keynes area.


We have very strong-links with the local pre-school, and a full induction programme for new children commencing in the Summer prior to entry in September.

Please click on the link below for the Milton Keynes Council School Admissions page. Here you will find information on starting primary school, admission appeals and changing school during the school year.

Sherington CE School Admissions Procedure


Admission to School

  • Parents are welcome to come and look around the school - please telephone for an appointment on (01908) 218247.   
  • The actual application has to be completed online via MK City Council.  The deadline date is mid January each year.
  • MK City Council will contact you directly to advise if your child has a place at your first choice school.  This will happen in the March before your child is due to start school.
  • Children start school in the September following their fourth birthday.
  • The school offers a full induction program which includes visits to school and a home visit from the class teachers. We also put you on our emailing list so you can see what is going on in school and receive a copy of our school diary.


Admissions Policy

Places at school are allocated by Milton Keynes City Council, following their admissions criteria please use the link above for more information. If you have any problems using the link just contact the school and we will be happy to provide more information.


The PAN for the School is 10


