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Sherington Church of England School home page

Sherington CE School

Inspiring Learners, Growing Together

Inspiring Learners, Growing Together

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mrs Emma Wallace - Executive Headteacher

Contact details: 01908 218247


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mrs Kirstin Beardshaw

Contact details: 01908 218247


Designated Online Safety Lead:

Designated Prevent Lead:

Designated CSE lead

Designated FGM lead:

Mrs Emma Wallace

Contact details: 01908 218247


Designated LAC (Looked After Children) Lead:

Mrs A Underwood - Inclusion Lead

Contact details: 01908 218247


Chair of Governing Body:

Miss V Morgan

Contact details:


Designated Governor for Safeguarding:

Miss V Morgan

Contact details:


Designated Governor for Safer Recruitment:

Mr S Ayling

Contact details:


Safeguarding Statement

VSF Safeguarding Team

If you would like paper copies of any of the policies, please ask at the office.
